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Udi Cohen

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CEO and CoFounder at Vendict. At Vendict, we use AI NLP to streamline and improve GRC tasks, such as filling security questionnaires. Vendict linguistic model was trained by security and AI NLP experts. By understanding the meaning of the text in security questionnaires, Vendict AI matches questions and answers even when the phrasing is completely different, and responds to the longest questionnaires in minutes. Vendict customers are perceived as responsive, and mature vendors, due to the short response time, and professional answers. Previously, at Broadcom, I lead a global software organization of 100+ engineers. I hate any type of bureaucracy, paperwork, and time-wasting, and passionate about the potential of the NLP technology to eliminate that. This is why I love what we do at Vendict. Hearing from our customers that we've made their life better means the world to me.

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