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Umar I.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Is your LinkedIn profile weak? I help busy CEOs, Founders, and Solopreneurs build strong brands that pull in the right clients and make them stand out as leaders in their fields. My clients make 3x extra sales! Here’s how I can help your business grow through content, marketing, design, and social media solutions: 1. Is your visual identity messy and not telling your story? 2. Are you lost among other LinkedIn profiles? 3. Do you not know who your ideal client is? 4. Is creating content feeling too hard? Let’s change that! I’ll polish your LinkedIn profile to show off your strengths. Plus, I’ll create a content plan that attracts and engages your audience. I also offer ghostwriting and social media management (SMM) to make your brand shine. Visit my website here: www.aptitudedigitals.com

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