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Upasana Sharma

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I help early stage SaaS startups build and execute their Go-to-market strategy for sustainable growth 🚀 🔴 If you're a founder who is: • Facing Pre-PMF or early-stage challenges and need a standout GTM plan in a crowded market. • Bootstrapped and ready to scale your startup. 🟢 I can help you with: • Defining your ICP to find the right-fit customers. • Fine-tuning your positioning, messaging & value proposition for maximum impact. • Implementing the right growth strategy to suit your unique needs - Product-led, Sales-led, or hybrid. • Finding the right mix of marketing channels for a steady flow of leads and demos. • Crafting the right pricing and packaging strategy for your product. • Set up the right metrics and KPIs for data-driven decision making. 🤝 Let's connect on Linkedin or schedule a free 15-minute chat to discuss how I can support your journey. __________ A little about me: 👋 Hi, I'm Upasana Sharma, based in India 🇮🇳. I'm a programmer turned marketer and really obsessed with startups. I started off as a programmer, then dabbled in data and business analytics, but my heart landed me in the world of startups. So, I switched my career in marketing and worked in early stage tech startups as a founding team member and spearheaded the product marketing efforts, operating as a one-person marketing team. Currently, I'm working with another startup, fueling growth and building a thriving product community. 👉 What keeps me going: • Connecting with great minds and brainstorming ideas for business. • Finding inner peace through traveling, yoga, spirituality & meditation. • Devouring books & podcasts on startups, leadership, and personal development. _____ 💡 Working on ideas for building my own startup.

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