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Utkarsh Singh Rana 🧠🍩πŸ’ͺ's Linkedin Analytics

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I help B2B companies get sales calls every month using cold emails and Clay.com. $150,000+ generated so far for all B2B clients. I use data from over 75+ sources to create smart strategies that find the right prospects. This helps your sales team connect with people who are looking for you. With unlimited Clay flows at a fixed monthly price. Here’s what I do: Build targeted lead lists Set up and warm up in boxes Write personalized cold emails Manage full email campaigns You only pay for meeting-ready leads, so no more paying for leads that don’t convert. Aim is to test OFFER-MARKET-FIT TARGET TESTING MESSAGE-MARKET FIT PRODUCT-UNTAPPED MARKET FIT -- If you're a B2B company that wants more demos/sales calls, go to https://www.adyhere.com/

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