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Vaishnavi Anumula's Linkedin Analytics

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Hello, I'm Vaishnavi, a dedicated digital marketer with a wealth of experience in the field. With 4+ years of expertise as a Senior Digital Marketing Executive at Swio Corporate, I have successfully executed 35 projects spanning diverse industries, including product-based, e-commerce, service-based, and education. My proficiency extends across a wide range of digital marketing domains, such as SEO, PPC, Content Marketing, Social Media, and more. I am skilled in understanding client requirements, ensuring their satisfaction, and leading teams to deliver exceptional results. By employing innovative strategies and creating compelling content, I consistently strive for project excellence. In addition to my role as a digital marketer, my HR background equips me with valuable insights into fostering effective collaboration and team management. I believe in cultivating a positive work environment that nurtures creativity and productivity. In addition to my role at Swio Corporate, I actively pursue freelancing opportunities, undertaking digital marketing projects on various fronts. If you are seeking digital marketing services, I encourage you to reach out to me via message. I am always eager to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals, whether for in-house projects or freelance endeavours. I look forward to engaging with you and contributing to your digital marketing endeavours.

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