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Valentine Pietri

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Hey! Are you a woman in STEM? If yes, you are in the right place! Are there any of those going on for you at the moment: ✨A situation at work is keeping you up at night ✨You have a BP (Big Plan) but no idea where to start ✨You are told to be "More confident" or "Less emotional" ✨You want to be visible to your leadership ✨You are wondering if you are credible ✨You wish you got that last/next exciting project ✨You are juggling with multiple hats and your head is spinning You’ve already tried to solve it. You've read, experimented. You’ve spoken to a few people seeking advice. That helped a bit but did not quite hit the spot. Although well-intentioned, they were not neutral, wanted to spare your feelings, did not completely understand the situation or did not have the relevant experience. And you're left wondering and spending energy you could be focussing on your goals. Well, you are in the right place 🤩 I am in your corner: ✨Learn from the experience of someone who’s been there and done it. ✨Change perspective, open horizons, and find the solutions that were escaping you ✨Gain clarity and time and be the master of your adventure ✨ What would become possible for you? ✨ Have those dreaded difficult conversation ✨ Stay focussed when everything was changing around them ✨ Get to the next level in terms of leadership What does it feel like to have me in your corner? I am going to let one of my former mentees do it for me: "How do you recognize a guiding personality in someone? Non-exhaustive list but essential in my opinion: - The love of her profession and transmission - The balance between sharing experience and silence to let one's digest and appreciate it - A dose of humour and spontaneity - An eloquent and understandable tone but not directive - The smile that brings kindness [...]" In my 2 decades in STEM I have ✨Worked in 5 different countries ✨Worked for a director for 6 years ✨Led 2 business critical projects and saved several millions to a company So I have faced and conquered what you are facing now. Feeling over your head in work and can't add anything to your schedule? I hear you. What if you saved time straight away after your first session? Each time we work together you will leave with a plan and feeling like you’ve been heard. Like anything you want is possible (and it is!) and like you can achieve it (and you can!). ✨To book a call, click on the "Book an appointment" button on the top of my profile ☝ The secret to succeeding in STEM is you! Can't wait to meet you. Valentine

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