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Valentin Küssner's Linkedin Analytics

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Valentin Küssner

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Currently revolutionizing the debt collection industry 🚀 At PAIR Finance, we're applying AI and behavioral science to actually make a difference for consumers and clients alike. Before diving into the FinTech space, I held several operational leadership roles at Meltwater, where I kept busy with a mix of responsibilities of management, sales & marketing operations, as well as GTM strategies. With an MSc in Business Administration from the University of Amsterdam and a BSc in International Business from Maastricht University, I've developed an eye for spotting opportunities and crafting sales strategies. Having learned and worked across the globe, from the Netherlands to Germany, Ecuador, and the US, I thrive in diverse and honest work environments. My passion? Solving puzzles and creating value. Whether it's through innovative solutions, collaborating with talented teams, or diving into new skills, I'm all about making an impact and growing to success. Let's connect and brainstorm some game-changing ideas together! 🙏 All opinions are my own.

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