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Vanessa Difino

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With over ten years of teaching experience locally and internationally, I am a dynamic, resourceful, and proactive learning professional passionate about fostering creativity and supporting diverse learners. I specialize in crafting interactive learning experiences that engage, inspire, and enlighten, incorporating technology, driving effective education and enhancing students' learning outcomes and engagement. Now, seeking to transition into the Academic Advising & Student Recruitment-Admissions I aim to leverage my curriculum development, collaborative skills, and experience acquired in the education field to bring innovative instructional strategies to the forefront and guide students on their educational journey. I’m always happy to help others, collaborate and connect with like-minded professionals! PASSIONS Cooking, travelling/planning, culinary tours, nature, Zumba, hiking, community service, figure skating, relationships, relaxation, personal growth, event planning & design, photography, reading, mentoring, Christmas markets, apple orchards, creating meaningful experiences, collecting ornaments, seashells & memories! TECHNICAL STRENGTHS * Google Education/Workplace * Remote Learning * SMART Notebook * Microsoft Office * SharePoint * Canva * Kahoot! * Class Dojo * Quizlet * Prezi * Screencastify * Zoom/Teams

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