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We offer a done-for-you job search service to help IT and Tech professionals land senior leadership roles. 👨🏼‍💻 Are you feeling limited in your current role? 🤔 Perhaps you’ve hit a wall and are just stagnating now, thinking about making a switch for quite some time. You're even passively or actively applying for roles. However, these leadership roles are competitive. Perhaps in the job market, you faced these issues: ❌ You've made countless applications but haven't gotten any interviews, leaving you discouraged. Recruiters don't reach out to you. ❌ There are 200+ applicants for the roles you apply to. You wonder how you’ll ever stand out. ❌ You’ve been procrastinating on fixing your resume, or perhaps you lack the know-how. ❌ You’ve tried Professional resume writing services that charge $2000 and deliver a mediocre resume, as they don’t fully understand the tech space. ❌ You think you’d tap into your network but have limited luck there. Spray and pray doesn’t work for leadership roles - these are highly competitive. You gotta have a proper strategy: When competition is high, you stand out by niching down + Reaching out to the hiring manager with a precise outreach. Niching out means you pick a narrow market based on your area of expertise. For example, if you’ve been a Data Engineering leader in the financial services industry, stick to that—you have more negotiating leverage, and it makes you stand out in a narrow category. From there, you should make a compelling outreach to the hiring manager—research the role thoroughly and precisely showcase your fit. When you truly are a good fit and communicate that effectively, you bypass those 200+ other applicants and land an interview. The problem? Finding a fitting role, the hiring manager for the role, researching their requirements and making a precise and tailored outreach consistently requires much time. Most leaders don’t have that kind of time or energy. That’s where we come in. We understand the technology landscape well enough to market you effectively. Over the last few years, we have landed dozens of leaders in executive-level roles - that too, in the toughest of the job market. We take care of your job applications, finding the hiring managers and making compelling outreach to them 100%. So you focus on the only important thing: Interviews- while we consistently bring those to you. Interested? Book a quick phone call with us directly at our website
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