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Vedad Mešanović's Linkedin Analytics

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Hey there! 👋 Thanks for visiting my corner of LinkedIn! With a decade in tech, from building startups to advising multinational brands, I've developed my skills in branding, community building, and business development. And I am here to share my experience with you. My journey includes some milestones I am pretty proud of, like being recognized in "Forbes 30 Under 30" Europe for Finance, bagging a few entrepreneurship awards (e.g., Entrepreneur of the Year/CESA), and being the head of the department for national crypto regulations. But what excites me most? Helping others discover and use the power of entrepreneurship and communities to scale their brand and connect with people. Building tech companies (and later also working in the blockchain space), I've seen firsthand how powerful online tribes can be – they are not just groups, they are the heartbeat of every brand and creator, big or small. My goal on LinkedIn? To share my passion with you, offering insights and personal strategies on how to build your startup, cultivate your own community and approach your branding - driving engagement and opening up new opportunities for yourself and your business. You may see a personal story or a wellbeing post on my feed here and there... I am just sharing cool stories and personal experiences. So, if you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned brand or a creator, or somewhere in between, looking to launch and scale your startup and build your community, you should stick around. Feel like chatting about it? You know where to find me.

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