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Vicki Hodges

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Hey 👋 I’m Vicki Hodges, certified emotional wellbeing coach and holistic practitioner, specialising in menstrual health and menopause. My dedicated mission is to support you in managing the challenges you face by nurturing your emotional wellbeing. Not only will it improve your holistic wellness, but also enhance your life and career. Living with chronic menstrual health conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS and POI can be overwhelming. Transitioning into menopause can be difficult to navigate. Infertility, persistent symptoms or dealing with the unknown add another layer of complexity. The emotional ups and downs of these can leave you feeling like you’re struggling to stay in control. The busy world we live in leaves us constantly switched on, yet emotionally disconnected and detached, which can lead to us being stuck in a loop of repetitive patterns of behaviour, adopting unhealthy coping strategies and trapping emotions within our body. Add to this society's stigmas and lack of awareness, which further impact our mental and emotional wellbeing. Join me in a safe, supportive and compassionate space where you'll have time to talk so you feel seen, heard and understood. Gain the tools and techniques to break free from the anxiety and find peace from mind chatter. Let go of limiting beliefs and start embracing your strengths. Increase your awareness through a journey or self-discovery and reflection. Learn easy to use coping mechanisms for everyday emotional resilience, stress and pain management. Don't worry if you don't know where to start - you’ll have your biggest cheerleader by your side every step of the way as you learn how. I offer personalised 1:1 coaching sessions, group workshops and self-help ebooks for women. For businesses seeking to become a menopause friendly employer and support their employees I provide menopause awareness training, emotional wellbeing workshops and bespoke 1:1 coaching packages. [email protected] www.pausefully.co.uk

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