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Victoria L Conley's Linkedin Analytics

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Victoria L Conley

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As a teacher at Clarksville Montgomery County School District for over four years, I have developed and delivered online education programs for diverse learners, using effective classroom assessment and tutoring strategies. I have a Masters degree in organizational leadership, multi-subject teacher credential K-5 TN, a CLAD credential, and a technology integration certification, which demonstrates my commitment to professional development and innovation in education. I have a passion for problem solving and collaboration, which I have honed in my previous roles as a trainer at Agero, Inc. and a 5th grade teacher at Marysville Joint Unified School District. I enjoy helping people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals, whether they are students, colleagues, or clients. I am a time management guru and a multi-tasker, who can handle multiple projects and deadlines with efficiency and quality. My mission is to bring a team of members to success as we all work together to create positive learning outcomes and experiences.

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