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Vijay Patnaik MBA, MS°, EDP XLRI's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Vijay Patnaik MBA, MS°, EDP XLRI

Vijay Patnaik MBA, MS°, EDP XLRI

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As the head of talent acquisition at Comtech LLC USA, I lead a team of recruiters and business development personnel to provide IT and non-IT staffing solutions for direct clients across various domains and geographies. With over 20 years of experience in the USA and India, I have a proven track record of delivering quality hires, winning bids, and building long-term relationships with stakeholders. I am also passionate about developing and empowering human capital, leveraging my diverse educational background and analytical skills. I hold a full-time Campus MBA with specializations in Marketing, IT and HR; added an Executive Program in startup funding and VC investing from IIM Ahmedabad, with a recent MDP in HR/People Data Analytics from XLRI Jamshedpur. I have trained over 60,000 man-hours and conducted many career counseling programs, academic lectures, and seminars. My mission is to optimize the talent acquisition process and create value for the organization and the candidates.

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