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Vinod Kumar

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As an alumnus of both NIFT and MIT, I possess a distinctive combination of technical know-how and a refined sense of User Experience Design. My career is marked by a series of successful design integrations that have enhanced the brand presence and User Xperiences for our clients on multiple platforms. Expertise in Web/Mobile Design solutions and problem-solving approaches with Hands-on experience in Sketch, Figma, XD, InVision, Illustrator, Zeplin, Adobe CC, etc. I take pride in my contribution to user engagement optimization for esteemed brands including Boeing, Cisco, AT&T, and many others. My global exposure to these leading names has endowed me with a rich understanding of market diversity and user preferences. I employ a (UCD) User-Centric Design approach, deeply analyzing user behavior while maintaining a strong focus on aesthetic and functional design. This methodology ensures that my solutions not only fulfill but surpass user expectations, thereby generating a tangible, positive influence on key business performance indicators. My track record includes 20+ years of success in optimizing user engagement for prestigious brands such as Boeing, Cisco (UK), AT&T (USA), Doha Bank (UAE), Omantel (UAE), Bell (Canada), Visy (Australia), Kmart (Australia), Victoria Police (Canada), Baylor Scott & White (USA), Mobistar (Belgium), Reliance, Idea, SBI, Nissan, Mahindra, and more. Working with these renowned organizations has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of diverse markets and user needs. My responsibilities involve conceptualizing creative and innovative Products for various domains. The experience helped me understand various nuances of the business and also to determine my area of interest. My mission is to offer Strategic Design leadership to the team, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and achieve excellence in UX/UI design.

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