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Vitali Khakholka

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Personal Mission: help mankind by leveraging AI-enhanced products. - An eternally curious product manager with 3 years of experience in the telehealth industry and the strong track record of delivering successful solutions for remote virtual consults and care. The prior 4+ years I was performing and combining roles of a business analyst, a project manager and scrum master, while working with international outsourcing companies to deliver custom digital solutions in various domains. - My unique combination of linguistic expertise (fluent in Russian, English, Spanish), an International MBA in Business Administration (4.0 GPA), and a Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resources Management (3.8 GPA) allows me to understand and navigate diverse cultures and business environments. The soft skills that I got over the years from different social experiences and surroundings (professional, educational, musical or sport settings), that were majorly enhanced with 5+ years of residency in North America (USA, Canada), my team spirit, and the collaborative nature gives me a distinct advantage in cross-cultural communication and makes me a valuable asset to any organization. - Certified Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO 1) - SAFe® 5 Program Consultant

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