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Vijay Shenoy

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With over 18 years of experience in marketing and business management, I have led the strategy and delivery of marketing solutions for the digital world across various industries and organizations. I have a strong track record of driving organizational growth, generating new business, and establishing strategic partnerships with leading platforms and brands. As the Chief Business Officer at Meisterverse, I am building a premier creative content agency that transcends borders and cultures and redefines the world of visual content creation. As the SVP - Business at Dentsu Creative, I worked closely with the business unit head on business planning and growth strategies, consulted client management teams on digital marketing strategy, and encouraged the adoption of digital innovation opportunities. I was also an integral part of new business and agency growth initiatives, engaging, contributing, and leading client conversations across EdTech, B2B Enterprise, Fashion, Oil & Gas, and Automobile brands. Previously, I was the Director of Customer Development and partnerships at Avataar, a deep-tech 3D Computer Vision and AI company that powers full-funnel commerce outcomes for brands. I led the establishment and growth of strategic alliances with publishers, agencies, and brands for marketing and commerce AR. I championed strategic partnerships with Meta (India & US) and Google (India) for evangelizing and implementing the use of augmented reality in marketing across 3D Ads, Social AR, and Web AR-led Metaverse programs. I was also extensively involved in outbound and inbound sales and marketing efforts for enterprise SaaS sales for 3D/AR commerce products and evangelizing 3D/AR commerce. I take a keen interest in conceptualizing digital tech, data, and creative solutions in line with the business objectives of brands. I strongly believe that a good marketing strategy does not drive online traffic or store footfalls alone, but rather establishes strong brand affinity, builds brand equity, and translates into paying customers. My specialties include Branding and communication, Business Management, Digital Marketing, Business Development, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Gaming, eSports, Generative AI, SEO, Online Advertising, SEM, Pay Per Click, Media Buying, ORM, Influencer Marketing, Campaign Performance Management, UI/UX Design, Web and Mobile Development, Web Analytics, Team Management, Training & Development, and Client Relationship Management.

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