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📈 If you are a consultant, advisor, or coach you know that your business success depends directly on the relationships with your prospects and clients. The better relationships, the stronger rapport, the easier clients agree to work with you and the longer they will stay with you. They will refer others to you based on their experience which is mostly based on the relationships. You'll benefit from better business relationships if: ❌ You meet the defensiveness of your prospects even when your solution is perfect for them ❌ You can't pass the objections and excuses from your potential clients ❌ Your prospects are ghosting you ❌ You want to move the deal forward but afraid that your client will be offended by your offer ❌ You want to change the terms of the contract but hesitate to ask as it may break relationships ❌ You know your clients will benefit from your services, and it'll pay off, but they are unsure Reach out to me at [email protected] so you can: ✅ Build trusting relationships with your clients ✅ Overcome resistance of your prospects and increase conversion ✅ Get more referrals and cut larger deals ✅ Discuss your offers while improving relationships ✅ Forget about the time when you were ghosted ✅ Create "A-HA" moments when they get buy-in on your services If you want to up your game, reach me directly on LinkedIn or by email at [email protected]. My purpose is to help you succeed.

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