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Volodymyr Starodubov's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Volodymyr Starodubov

Volodymyr Starodubov

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As a dynamic and innovative technology professional, my journey began as a Software Developer where I honed my skills in PHP and Python. My career evolved into the realm of DevOps Engineering, a role that allowed me to bridge the gap between development and operations with efficiency and effectiveness. Fuelled by my passion for cloud engineering, I've dedicated myself to mastering the intricacies of AWS and Kubernetes. This dedication is exemplified by my achievements in obtaining the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate, AWS Certified Developer – Associate, Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), and Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certifications. These accomplishments are a testament to my commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of cloud technology. In my current role, I thrive on the challenges that come with designing and implementing robust cloud solutions. My proficiency with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform and CloudFormation empowers me to build scalable, secure, and efficient cloud infrastructures that drive business growth and innovation. What truly sets me apart is my unwavering enthusiasm for exploring new technologies and my ability to adapt and excel in rapidly changing environments. I am always eager to collaborate, share knowledge, and contribute to the success of my team and organization.

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