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Brad Inch

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💰How is Pendulum saving businesses time and money?💰 Get a FREE copy of my Effective Online Business Handbook - https://www.pendulumdevsolutions.com.au/free-online-business-handbook My name's Brad, and here's a bit more about me and how I can help your business: ►I moved into web development after working as a support analyst for nearly 10 years and leveraged my technical skills to build my own business only a few years later ►I've got over 12 years of industry experience and have accrued a vast network of business owners, developers, designers, marketers, and more along the way ►In that time I've worked with some of Australia's biggest companies and worked with many technologies ►I also realised that I wanted a better work-life balance, and to be able to help those who really needed it using the skills I have, so I decided to start my own business ►As a business owner, I saw a gap in the market for small business owners and solopreneurs wanting their own websites but not able to spend hundreds of hours learning how, or thousands of dollars to have someone else do it ►Many of these people end up resorting to DIY website builders like Wix or Squarespace, which are limited and produce amateurish-looking sites ►I knew that 20% of new small businesses in Australia will fail in their first year, and up to 60% of start-ups will not survive beyond five years of launching, so as a business owner, you need to do everything in your power to stay relevant and become successful. One of those things is to have a successful online presence ►But when you're working for yourself, you need to do everything in your power to save time and make the most of every minute. And the last thing you want to be doing is web admin That's where Pendulum comes in. Pendulum designs and builds websites that run your business. We create tools that make running your business easier, faster, and more efficient. To find out more, visit our page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/78871580 👉 If you're a business owner or solopreneur and looking to take the next step, here are 3 ways I can help your business: 1. Get FREE access to my Efficient Online Business handbook: https://www.pendulumdevsolutions.com.au/free-online-business-handbook 2. Join our Facebook community to talk with other business owners and keep up to date with web and tech news: https://www.facebook.com/pendulumdev 3. Free business consultation Book a no-strings-attached consultation call to understand how you can boost your business's online presence: https://calendly.com/pendulumdev/free-consult

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