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Wendy Kendall Chartered Psychologist's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Wendy Kendall Chartered Psychologist

Wendy Kendall Chartered Psychologist

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If you're a psychologist or therapist who’s hit that wall of overwhelm, if you’re teetering on the edge of burnout or feeling like you’re caught in a never-ending loop of the same issues—let's talk. The grind of 1-to-1 sessions, trading precious hours for money, feeling stuck in a role that once held so much promise... I’ve been there. And it’s hard. With 27 years as a psychologist under my belt, and almost two decades in private practice across two countries, I've walked the highs and lows of this journey. I’ve felt the pull of wanting more—more freedom, more impact, and a deeper connection with my clients. And that's what led me to challenge the traditional view of what a successful practice should look like. Today, my passion lies in helping other talented psychologists and therapists, like yourself, shake things up. Whether it's crafting your practice's unique story, diversifying your offerings, or amplifying your impact, I'm here to guide, coach, and, more importantly, cheer you on. Sound like a journey you want to embark on? Let’s chat. No fluff, just an honest conversation about reigniting your practice’s spark and setting you on a path to genuine fulfilment.☕️ https://calendly.com/inspiring-psych-coach/coffee-chat

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