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William Chen

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Hello! I'm currently an OnSite Specialist at Stryker offering top-tier technical support and comprehensive training for surgical products and equipment within the fascinating realm of medical technology. My educational journey includes a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Mississippi Medical Center and a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences and Philosophy from the University of South Alabama, providing a robust foundation for my work. Moreover, my enthusiasm for continuous growth led me to pursue a Graduate Certificate in Computer Software Engineering at the University of Washington Tacoma. This experience honed my abilities in developing, testing and deploying software applications using a myriad of tools and frameworks. I find genuine joy in writing code, analyzing problems, and deriving valuable insights by extracting information from complex datasets. My professional ethos revolves around fostering collaboration, embracing diverse viewpoints, and relentlessly pursuing excellence. I firmly believe that integrating diverse experiences enriches our problem-solving strategies and fuels innovation. I'm passionate about leveraging my skills in coding, problem analysis, and data interpretation to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Let's connect and explore potential collaboration opportunities! I'm always eager to engage in new ventures and exchange insights within the professional sphere.

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