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I am an NYC based marketing and music industry professional with expertise in driving conversions for artists and brands alike. I have extensive experience in creating compelling content that resonates with audiences. I excel in leading creative ideation meetings with agency and client stakeholders, crafting innovative solutions to meet diverse challenges. I enjoy finding clever approaches and I am adept at achieving unique and impactful results. My ability to adapt to changing circumstances and work efficiently under pressure enables me to consistently deliver best-in-class work that achieves the desired end goal. HARD SKILLS Adobe Premier • Adobe Photoshop • Ableton Live • Audio Engineering • Drums(performing/recording) • Music Production SELECT CLIENTS Comcast • A$AP Ferg • Revlon • Toyota • NYX • Diageo • Zebec CLIENT CATEGORIES Music • Technology • Sports • Food • Finance • Alcohol • Entertainment • Crypto • Web3 • NFTs • Fashion • Beauty CONTENT CREATED FOR TikTok • Facebook • Instagram • YouTube • Snapchat • Twitter • LinkedIn • Pinterest • Vimeo • SoundCloud • Spotify

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