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William De'Ath

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In today's dynamic tech landscape, I drive innovation with sustainable, efficient, decentralised solutions, leveraging Blockchain, AI, and IoT. With a blend of strategic vision and operational acumen, I have a 25-year plus track record of providing solutions in various global markets. My experience includes collaborating with industry leaders like Petronas, ExxonMobil, Chevron, SGS, Mitsubishi, BASF, Cargill and Bunge and pioneering startups. As a founder of Auriga International, GBC.AI, NEBULA | ALPHA and other ventures, I've demonstrated my entrepreneurial flair in creating scalable, impactful technologies. I specialise in Blockchain, extending its application beyond cryptocurrencies to provide robust, decentralised ledger systems. My extensive experience in contract negotiation and strategic partnerships enhances my ability to integrate Blockchain solutions effectively into diverse business models. In recent projects, I've led the integration of AI, Blockchain, and advanced DNA analysis, focusing on innovative product development, market penetration, and revenue growth. My leadership is grounded in principles of servant leadership, cultivating a culture of trust, collaboration, and empowerment. Key Expertise: • Visionary Leadership • Strategic Business Development • Global Market Expansion • Disruptive Innovation • Stakeholder Engagement • Talent Development • Operational Excellence • Risk Management • Agile Methodologies Special Interests: • Digital Transformation • Decentralised Computing • Data Analytics • Machine Learning • Sustainable Practices • Smart Technologies • Renewable Energy Solutions My goal is to connect with professionals and organisations where I can contribute to creating transformative, market-leading solutions. If you're interested in networking or discussing opportunities, don't hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn. "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

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