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Wies Bratby

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I know what you’re thinking… A 93% salary increase is a ridiculous notion. When we’re conditioned to work in a world where we should almost be grateful for anything above a 3% increase in our salary, I can understand your scepticism. As a woman in particular, I bet you’ve never even challenged the concept, never mind had the confidence and skills to successfully negotiate a better deal for yourself at work. 93%? There’s no way that’s possible! However, I would be a truly terrible (former) lawyer if I used stats in my marketing that could in any way be disproven. So you might want to stick around for what I’m about to say next. To date, I have worked with over 500 women in senior leadership positions to ensure that a salary increase of 93% is an AVERAGE attainment available to them. I’ve got the testimonials, I’ve got the data, and I’ve got the determination to make sure I add YOU to this exclusive set. The program making all of this possible is The WIN Way with Wies Bratby. Yes, I have a strange name, and yes, I did just refer to myself in the third person. It’s not lost on me, by the way, that money isn’t everything when it comes to a happy and healthy work life. However, leaving money on the table that is rightfully yours in the role that you play and the responsibilities you hold, is something you know you’d never forgive your future self for. Though a fantastic salary is always something that The WIN Way will support you to get, what my clients also get out of the program, is confidence and clarity around exactly what it is that they want to do with their career - plus the competence to actually make it happen. The WIN Way is a group coaching program for professional women looking to transform their careers through negotiation and career navigation skills, leading to more money, more recognition, and more fulfillment in their (dream) role. It’s also a community that brings together fellow WINners around the globe on the same path as you. We all have a vision for how we’d like our career to play out (and if we don’t, we’d probably like one). What we don’t all have is the confidence, the expertise, and the negotiation skill set to make that vision a reality. This is precisely why I use my background as a lawyer, a HR Director, and a fierce feminist to continue to build my program for women in corporate who are underpaid, undervalued, and generally pretty unhappy at this point in their career. DM me to talk, and start having a real think about whether you’re properly recognised and rewarded at work for your passion, purpose, and potential.

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