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Yassin Bader

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Hi, I'm Yassin Bader. I handle AI, sales, and marketing. I love using tech and storytelling to make a great brand. I run my own marketing and coaching agency. Helping people and companies succeed online. I also co-own a water sports brand and create content for podcasts, YouTube, and social media. My approach to marketing is centered on turning excellence into a daily practice. In marketing, I combine creativity with knowing market trends and customer needs. I speak German, English, Arabic, and Italian, which helps me work with clients all over the world. In my multifaceted role, I go beyond traditional marketing management. My job is to make interesting stories and plans that meet business goals. I work with CRM and SEO tools to develop growth strategies. I also use online ads and data analysis for business expansion. By leveraging online advertising and Google Analytics for business development. Here's what I offer: ⇒ 1 on 1 coaching ⇒ Multilingual brand communication ⇒ Content creation for multiple platforms ⇒ In-depth market research and data analysis ⇒ Comprehensive digital marketing strategies My accolades include: ⇒ Mentoring and coaching multiple individuals ⇒ Running a weekly workshop on content strategy ⇒ Elevating a water sports brand from local to national fame ⇒ Leading successful marketing campaigns with a global impact ⇒ Being acknowledged as a leading content creator in digital marketing ⇒ Guiding my team to secure a prestigious industry award for innovative marketing Are you looking to enhance your online brand presence or dive deeper into AI in marketing? Feel free to connect with me or email me at [email protected] with 'Collaborate with Yassin' as the subject. Thank you for visiting my profile. I'm excited to work together on strong marketing strategies!!

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