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Yogini Gohel's Linkedin Analytics

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Yogini Gohel

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As a founder and Chief Operating Officer she leads ShunyEka, She is responsible for driving strategic values for customer and checks all facets of the business. Also accountable for revenue growth of the company, development and execution of a business plan with the objective to exceed agreed goals and driving the company to exponential, organic and profitable growth. She has wide range of experience in technology and Development sector, which includes company’s overall operation, Growth evaluation, Strategy planning, Vision building, People management and networking with different internal and external stakeholders. Prior to founding ShunyEka, She was Operation Manager and responsible for resource Management and other company operation related activities. She led the transformation into an enterprise-focused company while growing turnover year on year. Project Manager to HR, Operation Manager and a founder she holds a reputation among team for creative imagination, vision builder, good trainer, Innovation and transformation Lead, team builder and a master problem solver. Specialize as stickler for quality of work. Passionate about re-inventing business value.

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