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Yu-Ling Chang

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“Wow” said with astonishing eyesight. When I saw my first runway show, I was inspired and wondered how it had been organised. I am a curious and extroverted person. Also, I like to interact with people around the world. Therefore, I have been determined to work in the fashion or luxury industries. That’s the reason why I am pursuing my master’s degree in MSc Luxury Marketing and Brand Management in Rennes School of Business in France. I am interested in the position of pubic relation, marketing and branding in the field of luxury industry. I was interested in languages when I was a child; therefore, I chose to study English at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. During the four years at Wenzao, I learnt not only normal English but also the culture and slang. In addition to English, I have learnt other languages in my free time at school, such as Italian, Russian and French. As for French, I spent most of my time studying at Wenzao, besides English. Therefore, it cause me to would like to further my master's in France. When I was a little, my parents took me to travel a lot so that made me extroverted, I like to make friends around the world and also enjoy interacting with people. The thing I enjoy the most is travelling as I can discover and experience diverse cultures. Through the travellling, I have gained courage and braveness. During my time at university, I have participated in several clubs; however, the club I like the most was Wenzao International Service Learning Association as I have not only learnt the skills of camping but also the attitude. In order to rich my summer vacation of junior year, I decided to do a working holiday on the east coast of Taiwan. I have learnt how important teamwork is and also I found that I did enjoy interacting with people around the world. In my last at university, I attended at Wenzao Section of Overseas Student Affairs. At this association, I have broadened my horizon from those international students I have served. In addition, I have learnt the different cultures. There is one saying that always keep in my mind "Life is what you make of it...such a true statement. If you believe in yourself, all things are possible. Never doubt your abilities." -Frank Ross. Do not give up and hard working.

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