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Yurii ⏭ Pokryshevskyi's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Yurii ⏭ Pokryshevskyi

Yurii ⏭ Pokryshevskyi

open on linkedin

Thanks for stopping by! My experience and expertise in the field QA. I'm looking for a job as Quality Assurance Engineer. I have: • knowledge of QA theory (software testing processes, test types, and test technics); • experience in creating and supporting testing documentation (test plan, test cases, checklists, bug reports); • experience with base techniques UI/UX; • experience in testing web; • experience with bug tracking and test management systems (Jira, TestRail); • Web debugging Chrome DevTools and Charles Proxy; • experience with API testing with Postman, Swagger; • attention to details during testing of application; • understanding of SDLC and STLC • understanding of Agile methodology (Scrum, Kanban); •good written and verbal communication skills in English. I am open to new opportunities and I really want to implement my knowledge and skills in teamwork.

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