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Yves Delongie's Linkedin Analytics

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Yves Delongie

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Global business leader with an active track record in successfully running tech ventures across Europe/EMEA. Holding leadership position to build and lead product, marketing, sales and CS teams towards meeting strategic objectives and ultimately increasing revenue and shareholder value. - Start-ups, scale-ups and turn-arounds; high-growth environments. - Building marketing, sales, and customer success organisations around key strategic objectives. - Leading organisations to achieving product/market fit, building value proposition, defining and executing go-to-market strategy, optimising customer journey and -retention. - Driving International/EMEA expansion, opening offices, hiring key personnel and leading local activities towards meeting local objectives. - Strong technical affinity; Easily assess new technologies and convert into sound strategic business models. - P&L accountability; in both traditional licensing- & SaaS/subscription revenue models. - Conducting due diligence; creating investor plans and assisting in M&A processes. Industries: B2B & B2C SaaS (PLG/PLS, martech, salestech, CStech), IT security, IoT, Big Data, Virtualization

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