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Zackary Jackson

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As the core maintainer of Webpack and creator of Module Federation, I specialize in JavaScript architecture at scale with a focus on frontend orchestration. My expertise includes React.js, large-scale Webpack build architecture, universal JavaScript, serverside rendering configuration, and LOSA frontend architecture. I am also the inventor of universal SSR and code splitting, as well as a skilled Babel plugin writer. In addition to my work on Webpack, I am a core maintainer of React Universal, Redux-first-router (Rudy), Respond Framework, and React Static. I have also designed a remote store and fragment caching solution (Rapscallion) for improving performance in containerized micro-frontends by 1000%. I have contributed heavily to the development of the Fiverr v4 platform and have experience working with codebases of 100+ million lines of code. My technical skills also include expertise in bandwidth optimization and Node.js. My open source projects have been used by leading companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, React, CRA, AutoDesk, Fitbit, Yandex, Discover, TopCoder, MaidSafe, REI, Starbucks, Semantic, Semantic UI, Atlassian, freeCodeCamp, Bloomberg, NerdWallet, Netlify, Airbnb, Walmart, FormidableLabs, Elastic, Shutterstock, Kroger, ABB, Intuit, Kubernetes, UNICEF, Netflix, Wayfair, Alibaba, GraphCMS, IPFS, Bitdefender, hapijs, Redfin, Zillow, EpicGames, SAP, Angular, Lowe’s, Expedia Group, Realtor.com, Tencent, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and PayPal. I am committed to improving the lives of engineers by challenging accepted norms and strive to inspire talent and lead through influence. I am passionate about coding for the greater good and standing up for what is right.

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