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Zahid Ali

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As the founder and CEO of TECHMEDO, I lead a digital health and innovation company that provides consulting, strategy, and solutions for improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. I have a passion for leveraging AI, big data, and machine learning to create prediction models and optimize innovation programs for healthcare organizations and systems. I graduated from the Stanford University Leadership Program, where I learned how to foster organizational culture, drive change, and build strategic partnerships. I have worked with prestigious institutions such as Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, and California State University on various research and innovation projects. I also serve on the board of directors for Trioca Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in health tech startups, and as a member of the Health Apps Work Group and the Task Force for Job Analysis Chief Digital Health Transformation Strategist with HIMSS. I am a frequent speaker and consultant on topics such as smart health, universal health coverage, digital health ecosystems, and patient experience. I recently won the Siemens Innovation Think Tank Award for my proposal on the future of healthcare and care delivery.

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