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Profile picture of Zamir Tribelsky

Zamir Tribelsky

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Brief Profile for Zamir Tribelsky Zamir Tribelsky is an accomplished creative technology expert with vast knowledge in wide myriad of technology fields. Considered one of Israel most daring inventors and entrepreneurs. Zamir has developed special expertise in various wave technologies to include Infra Sound, Audio, hybrid ULF, wave pumping and crossed platform synthesis, advanced integrated high power acoustic launchers and innovative physical modeling resonators. Succesfuly reduced to practice innovative high power laser defense systems against BW/CW using optically marked AOT/AOP for rapid air & surface decontamination. Zamir became known worldwide through his breakthrough invention of a flowing optical fiber from water, a UV water sterilization patented method using internal reflections. To date, this technology has being positioned as one of the world's most efficient UV water sterilization technology commercialized by Atlantium Technologies. Founder of Atlantium Ltd, Atlantium laser group and Atlantium technologies - a leading Israeli company producing UV disinfection systems selling worldwide. Zamir has invented and validated Atlantium's core hydro optic technologies, has been Atlantium CTO & acted as its BOD member. A charged, highly disciplined energetic charismatic person, has a track record of successfully inventing new technology with economical edge which become real world engineered product solution sold. Specialties: Sonic/Supersonic air processors, High Power sound, sampling, detection, recording and analysis, Physical modeling synthesis, FM, Infra Sound and high- power acoustics, in phase sound beam coherence, hybrid acoustic reflectors, Photo-Electro-Catalysis, E-Beam, Microwave, Plasma guns, High power laser systems, KW class LPHO Light engines, KW class Ultra Sound transducers, High peak power energy units. * Inventive thinking & creative tech process development. A Vision Engine.

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