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👩🏻‍💻 Virtual Assistant since 2020, dedicated to delivering excellence. In my journey as a Virtual Assistant, I've had the privilege of serving remarkable clients across diverse industries. Here's a glimpse of my experience: 🏅 1st Client: Collaborated with a Senior Head of Projects in the Germany-based engineering and construction industry—a true titan in Real Estate and Construction. Tasks: Recruitment, LinkedIn Growth, Property Management, and Research. 🏅 2nd Client: Worked alongside a COO and Strategist in fintech companies and startups, Business Owner, and runs a non-profit organization focused on promoting diverse writers. He's a Jack-of-all-trades! Tasks: Website Maintenance and Research. 🏅 3rd Client: Partnered with the founder of an online resource website dedicated to empowering homeowners in building their forever homes. She’s big on women empowerment! Tasks: Website Maintenance, Social Media Management and Content Creation, Podcast Management, Administering Facebook Page and Group, Email Management, Zoom Host and Workshop Facilitator 🏅 4th Client: Currently assisting the Founder of an agency growth company while serving as a Marketing Director for an e-commerce agency—a true Sales and Marketing powerhouse. Tasks: Zoom Hosting, Workshop Facilitation, Lead Generation, Content Management, Research, Calendar and Email Management, and Community Support. My Top 3 Loves as a Virtual Assistant: - Making a positive impact on my clients and their businesses. - Thriving in the face of new and challenging tasks every day. - Utilizing a plethora of premium tools for both creative and strategic purposes. My Top 3 Hates as a Virtual Assistant: - Not having the same enthusiasm from my clients. - Navigating the uncertainties of the freelancing world. - Dealing with the intricacies of paperwork, taxes, and benefits. Beyond my professional journey, I'm a proud cat mom of two 😺, an artist 🎨, and a freediver 🤿. I talk about #VirtualAssistant and #Freelancing. If our paths align, let's connect and share our experiences! ✨

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