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Ziv Kohav

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#CorporateInnovation initiatives are seldom effective. In most cases, they are part of an #InnovationTheater, disconnected, or ineffective. Effectiveness is a function of clarity, focus, and time horizon. The pressure to show the company is innovative produces a massive innovation theater which, if unchecked, can engulf the entire #ResearchAndDevelopment and #Innovation teams and set them astray. It is true in the field of #Chemistry I work in and in other fields. Effective R&D requires safeguarding, method, and discipline. Above all, it requires a solid #Governance. It also requires a solid connection to the business and the markets it aims to affect. But, in a large organization, these conditions are challenging to maintain, resulting in ineffectiveness. The world around us changes as a direct result of research and development. Academia brings the seeds of change, and corporate R&D nurtures them and produces the fruits of change through products and services. We are changing the world through corporate R&D, and changing the #Future. The question is - how? There are three layers in increasing the R&D effectiveness and creating impact for good: - Governance- setting the framework - The vibrancy of discovery, creativity, and ideation - A sense of community and purpose I work on these three aspects to achieve high R&D #Effectiveness in my organization. I invite you to join the discussion on ways to make our world better by making our corporate R&D better. Follow me, and let's exchange ideas.

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