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Aneesh Lal's Linkedin Analytics

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LinkedIn has traditionally never been a destination for influencer marketing but things have changed. Brand safety, higher-value audiences and saturation on other social media channels have led brands to look at LinkedIn in a completely different way. This is why The Wishly Group now represents some of the biggest B2B Revenue Creators in the game. We have over 1.4MM followers, 100K+ newsletter subscribers and 50K podcast downloads per month (and counting) within our creator network. Our background in media, community and sales allows us to help creators with the following: - Source, Negotiate, Close and Manage Brand Partnerships for Creators - Build Personal Brand Assets (site, creative, etc.) - Manage content vehicles (newsletter, podcasts) We work with creators like Morgan Ingram, John Barrows, Kevin Dorsey, Sam Jacobs, Jen Allen-Knuth, Devin Reed, Kyle Asay, Obaid Durrani, Jesse Ouellette, Zoe Hartsfield, Brianna Doe and Sara Uy (Plowman). If you're a creator and want representation - please fill out the form below. https://aneesh134907.typeform.com/to/J9z4fvQF If you're a brand and want to work with anyone in our network please email [email protected] and we can get the conversation going.

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