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Mohammad Ashfak's Linkedin Analytics

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Our voice is our greatest weapon, and when we open our mouths, we show the world who we are. Ever lost an opportunity because your speech came in the way? Don't let it happen again! With the right training and mindset, you can become a confident and powerful speaker. As a career coach and speaker, I've helped hundreds of students and professionals unlock their communication potential. From impromptu speeches to captivating presentations, I can help you master the art of public speaking. Whether you're an organization looking to inspire your employees or an individual seeking career clarity, I'm here to help. So, if you're ready to unlock your full potential and show the world who you really are, let's connect! DM or email me at *[email protected]* today. 🤝 My Achievements Include: →Guest of Honor at Campus to Corporate Summit at Institute of Marketing Management (IMM-Delhi) → Guest of Honor at Orientation Programme (MBA & BBA) at Amity University Bhubaneswar → Featured in MSMEx - Inspiring Story → Featured Panelist at Business in Challenging Times- Amity University → Author of the Book - "You are Hired" Proven Steps → Featured in LinkedIn News India and Asia → Trained over 100,000+ individuals across India →Placed students in MNCs such as Infosys, IBM, Accenture, Jindal Steels, Byju's to help them get their dream jobs

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