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I am an avid traveler and believe that some of the best lessons learned are through experiences. We live in a time that you can not only read about travel/experiences but can enjoy them through virtual reality. My passion is bringing to life a brand and sharing that experience with others whether that be virtually or in person. I learned at an early age that I wanted to be involved in Events and Marketing. (I was that kid that had a calendar in the front pocket of their binder) I had a rigorous schedule early on in life, juggling soccer, lifting, and being a kid. By having such a demanding schedule, I became a nut for planning and optimizing my time. I have always been one to pay attention to the details, and aim for perfection. I wholeheartedly believe that if you are not planning, you are planning to fail. No matter the position I have held in my past experiences, I have always gravitated and expressed my interesting in developing brand strategy and event coordination. I plan, manage, and execute successful events - I coordinated all travel for Solana Miami - Managed vendors and purchases - Curated travel briefs, with daily schedules and coverage for booths assigned - Emphasized maintaining brand integrity while at the event - Socialized our presence in Miami and our speaker engagement - Managed live stream of Panel Discussion with Solana Executive I am confident and eager to always perfect my craft - Built a marketing calendar through Jira for tracking purposes - Defined customer buying journeys - Worked alongside the executive team to coordinate events and marketing initiatives - Designed and published landing pages through Hubspot Reach out if you want to chat about emerging technology, web3, or your favorite place to vacay.

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