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Linus 🚀 Haferkemper's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Linus Haferkemper

Linus Haferkemper

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Hi, thanks for stopping by. I’m Linus. I am your one-stop shop to achieve your growth targets with existing clients and turn your Customer Success team into a profit centre. #sustainablegrowth When you have a solid customer base, but they don’t grow in ARR… If you passed your first few million in ARR, churn now impacts your numbers… You built a CS team early on, but they became a reactive support team… Your customers are happy, but new business doesn’t come through referrals… …you might want to leverage my expertise. I’ve been where you are right now: In board rooms defending a strategy, in front of large CS teams communicating change, leading a half-staffed team, and building a plan for ambitious KPIs. I have first-hand experience as a CSM, team lead and VP, and I am also experienced as an external advisor and board member. For the past 15 years I’ve represented B2B IT companies at customers. Since 2016 I’ve gained international experience at Dropbox and other B2B SaaS companies, achieving their growth and revenue targets. This led me to found “Linus-Success” in 2022. My passion is “Customer Success”. I only do that. For B2B SaaS companies only. In short: Whatever (CS-)challenge you might face - I sure can help you with that. Looking forward to getting to know you - just drop me a message or visit www.linus-success.com Keywords: SaaS, Customer Success, Customer Support, Customer Experience, B2B, Cloud, Tech, Startup, Zurich, San Francisco, Valley

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