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As the co-founder and CEO of RECORD, I lead a team of passionate and talented professionals who are on a mission to revolutionize the quality of the tech industry for the benefit of all of us. RECORD help engineering teams achieve higher efficiency and better delivery to meet higher R&D goals, by learning usersโ€™ behavior and real production data to automatically generate and maintain the optimal tests to prevent potential delivery failures before they become tickets, in a way that no human could, securely and privately. Taking initiatives from 0 to 1. Always learning and passionate about creating new things. With over 14 years of experience, I have consistently achieved results in various leadership roles. Running multi-functional teams and leading them to create external and internal value. This led me to become a mentor and entrepreneur coach in elite programs. I have a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship from IDC Herzliya, and I am a TechStars 21 alum. I believe in learning continuously by collecting information and listening in order to develop new ideas and solutions to address problems and communicate them clearly. I am driven by better leadership, decision-making, objective analysis, relationships, and outcomes.

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