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Why would you hire an SEO content writer—a perfect stranger from internet land to SEO your content? Well, you probably want your website to be found in the search results. Especially if you’re selling goods and services. Content is the major player when it comes to getting visible. But hitting arbitrary word counts isn’t the answer, nor is keyword stuffing. There are many factors to SEO content writing (and you’ll have to hire me to find out what they are). The bottom line is this: you’ve come looking for someone like me to create impressions and turn those into clicks. Alas, those clicks may not convert. Even when the SEOing is done, folks still might not buy from you. Why? For several reasons and here are a few: - They don’t like your vibe - They want something for nothing - They’re not ready (yet) The last point is particularly true for service providers. Hiring an SEO content writer/sports coach/business consultant/dominatrix is pricey. You need to trust they can do the job, especially if it’s a long-term contract. You’re asking potential clients—yes, strangers, to commit to a professional relationship. And those don’t happen after one website visit. Need to get to know me better? Hit the website link under my profile picture. Need me now? DM me.

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