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Firas Sayed's Linkedin Analytics

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Hey there :) Are you looking for a passionate designer to enhance your brand and business with impactful visuals and user friendly designs that attract and engage users? Here is where I come in: My name is Firas Sayed, and I'm a UI/UX Designer and Graphic Designer with a passion for helping businesses grow through creative design solutions. Here is how I can help: • UI/UX Design • Graphic Design Let’s collaborate to enhance your brand to the next level. Feel free to reach out so we can create something amazing and impactful together. Email - [email protected] Portfolio - bento.me/firas-sayed Behance - behance.net/sayedfiras Medium - firassayed.medium.com/ Dribbble - dribbble.com/firassayed Pinterest - pinterest.com/firasssayed

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