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Having experienced a severe form of covert abuse that left me traumatized, I understand workplace abuse from personal experience. I help employees exit a toxic workplace and get to safety and recovery as soon as possible. I offer sliding scale fees to make legal services more accessible to everyone. I am also passionate about changing laws and policies surrounding NDAs and other employer attempts to silence workers. I support any employee who wants the freedom to tell her story of workplace abuse. I have ongoing trauma from not being able to tell my own story fully, and I know many other women who are similarly suffering. Employer psychological violence is rampant and must stop. For food companies, I offer my services as an ombuds, providing an independent safe space for employees to share their challenges and get them resolved peacefully. I have spent most of my career in the food movement, calling out BS of mega-food companies. In 2006, I published a book called Appetite for Profit that exposed food industry BS. From 2014-2020, I conceived of, organized, founded, and led the Plant Based Foods Association, the nation's first and only membership trade association for plant-based food companies. Returning to me my roots of calling out food industry BS, I now write about the "food tech" and plant-based food sectors. Food has a critical role to play in just about every aspect of society: our health, the planet, how we treat workers and animals, not to mention, our very survival. My guiding principle is integrity. There is so much bullshit being shoveled that it's distracting us from what's really going on and how to fix it. Last but not least, as a white woman of privilege, I am learning to help bring down white supremacy; I believe that white women need to do the hard work of looking inside ourselves to undo the harms we have engaged in through acts of commission and omission and chart a better course.
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