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James Foo Torres, better known as Foo, is a renowned marketing strategist with a background in PR & Branding, a host of a top 1% podcast, and a 2x international bestselling author. Following his service in the Air Force, Foo launched his company, Imperium Authority, to amplify the impact of exceptional business and thought leaders. His goal is to empower ideas into movements. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Foo aspired to be an entrepreneur and run his own business. In the last few years, Imperium Authority has helped accelerate the growth of a broad spectrum of brands and companies in various markets. The special sauce transforming service providers into trusted business advisors by taking clients through the following 6 phases: 1. Opportunity Analysis & Strategic Planning 2. USP Discovery & Validation 3. Front-End Management 4. Offer & Conversion 5. Stick Programming 6. Revenue Expansion

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