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Monica Levi, JD-MBA🔺's Linkedin Analytics

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Monica Levi, JD-MBA🔺

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I help leaders master the art of self-discipline. The only thing standing between you and your goal is self-discipline. You know exactly what you need to do to hit your goal.  But you’re not taking consistent action because: ​📌Life demands get in the way. 📌Even though you really want it, you lose motivation when you don't get quick results. 📌You make progress but then an obstacle derails you. 📌You are waiting for the "right" conditions in order to start taking action. 📌You don't believe you can do it. 📌It just feels too hard. We don't need more strategy. Information is readily available. You can find out the "HOW". We read books, attend seminars and consume all we can about the result we want to create. But most of us struggle to implement what we learn; we lack the discipline to take consistent action towards our goal. Inside my 1-1 coaching program, I’ll walk you through the entire process for building self-discipline to start taking consistent action that creates results. You’ll learn my 6-step process for following through on everything you say you’ll do. No matter what obstacles come up, you will have a plan to overcome them. And then you hit your goal.  We strip all the mind drama, and we get to work. ✅You stop procrastinating, and get more done with less stress. ✅You feel in control of your time. ✅You earn promotions. ✅You finish writing the book you started an year ago. ✅You start the business you've been thinking about. ✅You create a life by design instead of living by default. It's worked for me, it's worked for hundreds of my clients, and it will work for you. 🔸Book a free consultation call here: linktr.ee/mlevi/ 🔸Visit my website to get in touch: monicalevicoaching.com

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