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If you’re struggling to get to the next level in your business, the problem isn't your marketing, systems, work ethic or team - it's your psychology. Over 15 years, I helped grow 4 companies to $60M+ ARR by optimizing their business, product and marketing strategy. Then, in 2018, my dad suddenly died. His death made me realize that life is short and no amount of money and success makes up for lack of internal fulfillment. So, I decided to walk away from extremely lucrative gigs to impact people on a deeper level. I started with a hypothesis: I believed an entrepreneur's mind is their most incredible and underutilized asset - and the single greatest determinant of their success and happiness. Most entrepreneurs were trying to make their business grow by stepping on the gas (working harder, doing more) but they were driving with the parking brake on (mental blocks, sabotage programs, old beliefs). Their psychology was not optimized for the results they desired. So, I started helping entrepreneurs upgrade their mental operating system so they could grow the business faster and with less effort. And the results have been pretty phenomenal. I've coached 500+ entrepreneurs, using the Scale with Psychology methodology, which has resulted in revenue growing 400% on average - all the way from $1M to $100M+, and the founder on average cutting 8.6 hours from their work week. Optimizing their psychology has allowed these founders to maximize their potential and profit, while expanding their leadership capacity to help their teams attain new levels of extraordinary performance. My mission is to help entrepreneurs unleash their potential so they can have it all. Exponential wealth, impact, freedom and fulfillment. If you want to learn more about how I do this, you can check out this book I wrote. It lays out the exact framework that we've used to 250+ businesses scale exponentially. Not only is it free, but I even turned it into an audio + video book so you can just hit play. → GO HERE: www.scalewithpsychology.com/book Website: www.scalewithpsychology.com Podcast: www.scalewithpsychology.com/podcast Client Results: www.animanian.com/results Email: [email protected]

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