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Gretchen Skalka's Linkedin Analytics

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Gretchen Skalka

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I have worn many hats in my career - Marketing Director, Corporate Leader, Career Strategist, Hiring Manager, Writer, Editor - but my favorite has always been Teacher because that is where I believe I am most impactful. Teaching others to positively navigate challenging situations and create mutually beneficial outcomes has become a hallmark of my career. Over 20 years, I have developed people, teams, marketing plans and operational processes that have contributed to the success of 2 multinational corporations. I understand professional planning and development, productivity and relationship management from all sides, and am excited to leverage my abilities and experience to help individuals, teams and businesses solve complex interpersonal challenges easily, efficiently, and profitably. ■ Get in touch right here👉 https://gretchenskalka.carrd.co/

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