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Iselde van Beurden

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Hi! I'm Iselde 👋 - Founder @ The Entrepreneurials At The Entrepreneurials, we specialize in pairing tech companies with 'Entrepreneurials'—not just skilled professionals, but real movers and shakers who thrive on innovation and challenge. My recruitment path started over a decade ago in the high-energy, high-stakes recruitment scenes of Northern England. Rejecting the standard cutthroat methods, I pioneered a new approach focused on mindset and cultural synergy. This approach resonated deeply, drawing clients and candidates who were seeking more than just a job match—they were looking for a vision match. At a venture builder in the Netherlands plagued by an 80% turnover rate, I shifted our strategy to emphasize adaptability and a growth mindset. The result? A dramatic cut in turnover to under 10% within six months, proving that the right people are not just fillers of positions but are pivotal to transforming businesses. Why Settle for Traditional When You Can Innovate? - Skill Gaps and Obsolescence: We live in a fast-paced world where today's skills can become tomorrow's history. We anticipate future needs. - High Turnover: We go beyond the resume to match deep-rooted compatibility, significantly reducing turnover. - Stifled Innovation: Our candidates are handpicked not just to fit in, but to stand out and drive change. Our Distinctive Edge: The Entrepreneurials isn't just a recruitment firm; it's a revolution in talent acquisition. We believe in nurturing a pipeline of individuals who are ready to disrupt the status quo and elevate your company to new heights. Ready to Transform Your Team? Let’s talk about how we can bring dynamic, innovative talent to your doorstep. Book a discovery call to get started, and if we're not the right fit, I'll recommend the best path forward. Book now Let’s redefine what it means to hire. Connect with me to pave the way for the future of work.

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