Find the Best Content on LinkedIn

Get more done with Taplio X, our free LinkedIn Chrome Extension.

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Trusted by 6,200+ LinkedIn experts, founders, marketers and professionals


10x Your Experience On

Get more done with Taplio X, our free LinkedIn Chrome Extension.

Find people's best content

Whenever you visit someone's profile or have a conversation on LinkedIn with them, Taplio X shows you that account's top performing content and a summary of who they are.

This helps you easily decide whether or not to follow them, what to say to them, and take inspiration from what they do best.

Get high performing content in your niche

We help you find top LinkedIn content in your industry and areas of interest. This way, you always have some quick inspiration available for your next post.

Identify your top performing posts

Taplio X identifies all your best performing posts in seconds, so you can easily see what has worked for you in the past and what you should double down on.

Your Essential LinkedIn Metrics At a Glance

Find out how well you performed over any period of time.

Followers, engagement, views, all your main KPIs are easily accessible while you spend time on LinkedIn.

Get More From LinkedIn

Discover what else you can do with Taplio

Create Great Content With AI

High-performing LinkedIn content, generated in seconds.

Engage & Nurture Relationships

Find people to reply to and maintain your relationships.

Identify & Convert Leads

Discover new relevant leads and convert them into clients.

Monitor Your Results on LinkedIn

Finally, comprehensive analytics for LinkedIn.

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How Our Users Use Taplio To Grow On LinkedIn

Over 6,200 LinkedIn pros trust us with their LinkedIn needs.