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Bernhard Neumann

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I help brands to position themselves digitally with branding and marketing and unlock Web3 to grow their business. About me For 20 years of my life, I tried to become the best golfer I could be. This lead me to play for the German national team, win one of the biggest boys' amateur tournaments in the world, play for a top college golf team in the US, and eventually to playing as a professional for many years. I didn't quite achieve what I wanted in professional golf, but the sport and the journey gave me more than I could have dreamed of. After my athletic career, I took my ambition to digital marketing with a strong focus on social media. As part of an consultancy/agency, we helped many major brands like BMW, Danone, Credite Suisse, and more to succeed on social media as well as convert prospects into customers on their websites. For the past four years, I have continued that work with my own company. The Web3 rabbit hole Back in 2017, I started to invest in cryptocurrencies. Also, I began my journey learning about blockchain technologies on a daily basis. I was fascinated and motivated by the novel solution possibilities for many areas that are now feasible due to blockchain technology. Build a successful business in Web3 Today, I am sharing my experience and knowledge to facilitate a successful entry into the Web3 space for brands and companies, with training, strategies, and appropriate communication. Together, we find out if and how your company can utilize the opportunities of the technology in order to further your company's growth. These selected clients trust me: ⚽️ Thomas Müller (soccer) 🎛️ Mey Maschinenbau & Maschinenbau Leicht ⛳ BMW Golfsport 💧 ARTHUR My core competencies: - Training (Web3, NFTs, Metaverse, Branding) - Branding & Marketing Strategies for companies and individuals - Web3, NFT, and Metaverse Strategies for brands and companies

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