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Larissa Andrade

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As an international marketing manager, I have been at the forefront of driving awareness and empowering marketers and communicators to navigate the dynamic world of Web3 with confidence. My passion lies in mentoring and guiding professionals to grasp the intricacies of Web3 marketing and PR. Through captivating talks, impactful events, insightful seminars, and transformative courses, I have made a significant impact by equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in this evolving landscape. My diverse skill set encompasses branding, marketing strategy, event management, graphic design, community engagement, and public relations, among others. By leveraging these skills, I have become a sought-after advisor for projects and companies seeking guidance and strategic direction. One of my current ventures, Academia Web3, is a pioneering social and educational hub focused on fostering knowledge and adoption within the Latin community. Recognizing the scarcity of Spanish and Portuguese Web3 content, my mission is to create an inclusive space that bridges this gap and empowers professionals from all backgrounds to make a difference. I draw inspiration from my own journey—a visionary child from Brazil who fought for opportunities and overcame countless challenges to reach where I am today. Nothing brings me greater joy than fulfilling my life's mission of sharing knowledge, connecting like-minded individuals, and providing valuable resources that I once yearned for during the early stages of my own path. If you are seeking a results-driven international marketing manager who can navigate the complexities of Web3 and propel your organization forward, let's connect. Together, we can unlock the limitless possibilities of this transformative space.

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